Friday, 22 April 2011

Theres a Federal election?! I thought I was watching footage from all the past years

With the advance polls opening today, brought to the forefront of my mind is that I HAVE NO CLUE about this election. Same bullshit, different people. I have yet to hear any candidate say anything new. And as a "young" voter at the tender age of 25 (and a half), you (all candidates), have done little to show me why I should even waste my time to come and place a check beside your name.

Lets not forget for a moment that my generation will soon be the decision makers, by excluding us you truly are alienating us. You are showing us that our opinions don't matter because we are young. Well I hate to break it to you but all this debt you are creating, all these "new" ideas and initiatives your imagining aren't going to affect my parents in the great scheme of things. They are going to affect ME and my generation.

And can you please stop wasting my tax dollars on ads and campaigns that merely say what the other party is doing wrong. Why don't you let me use my brain to decide what they have done well or poorly and you spend a few seconds explaining "whats in it for me".  And good lord!!! WHY do you have to put up so many signs!!!!! For F's Sake! A waste of $$$ and not to mention resources! Both human and natural. How much wood, plastic, paper etc are being wasted on those stupid signs. I don't need to see your name 15 times in a row to know you are the candidate for a party. Once is sufficient thank you. After all I have a fully functioning brain that is capable of connecting the dots.

I'm sad to say this may just be the first year I don't vote. I truly do not believe I can back any one of these candidates with my vote. Someone better bring a game changer to the table next time around if they hope to keep any voter confidence, or even interest for that matter.

1 comment:

  1. Sighns are a waste of money I totally agree,,,, but good or bad,,, press is press. And while you hate to see them those sighns still got your attention. I guess politicians are as snakey as the world says they are. !!!PRICKS!!! Lol
    Ps. I enjoy the blog I hope it all goes well for you
