Friday, 31 January 2014

Week 27: Broken Crotch

Quick Recap: 148lbs (up 23lbs). New pelvis pain. I NEED to nest! End of 2nd trimester. Felt the baby hiccup for the first time.

Peanut's Progression: 14.5 inches. 2lbs. Immune system is maturing. Practicing breathing. Starting to recognize voices. Taste buds more developed and may react to different foods.

Help! My Crotch Is Broken!!

I had a great leg day workout with my girl Krista and had some seriously sore legs for 2 days after. Then I noticed after the leg pain was gone my crotch was SO SORE! And not my inner thighs, I mean it honestly feels like someone kicked me in the box with steel toed boots! WTF!

A few days passed and the pain didn't go away. Putting on socks, even pants, hurts. Standing on one leg, hurts. Rolling in bed, hurts. Getting off the couch, hurts.

So naturally the next step was Dr. Google. I found this: Broken Crotch Syndrome aka SPD aka Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction. 

Essentially, it is pain that occurs because of your pelvis separating to accommodate the baby and assisting with labour.  Your pelvis is made of 2 halves and as your pregnancy progresses your body produces more relaxin which allows your ligaments to soften and stretch which will aid you in labour later on. While the ligaments and joints shift and open and stretch it can cause inflammation and pain.

The crappy news is that I will probably deal with this until after I have the baby. The good news is, just like my weird red skin bumps, linea nigra and general aches, it will go away shortly after birth.

My Only Gut Instinct

A lot of people have asked me the following 2 questions and in this order. "Do you know if it's a boy or girl?" "What do you think it is?". To be honest, I have no idea if it's a boy or girl. I still don't really have any gut instinct or feeling about gender. My wives tale symptoms really could swing it in either direction. 

I do have one very strong gut feeling though. I'm going to have the baby early. My due date is May 2, 2014. I'm thinking our little babe will decide to join us a few weeks sooner than expected. This feeling just came on within the past week or so but I am adamant that Wiggles will showing up in April. There is really no solid reasoning behind this. Nothing about my pregnancy indicates that I would deliver early but my mind sure is committing me to this idea.

To top this off, out of no where my Mom tells me this week that she also thinks the baby will be here early. We never spoke about it prior and she brought it up on her own. Interesting how we are both feeling the same thing. I'll admit though that I would rather this lil munchkin show up a few weeks early (completely healthy and happy of course) than go late and be induced.

Bring on the 3rd trimester!


  1. I too have the horrible 'broken crotch' and have had it since about 14 wks. - I am 24 wks. along w/ my 2nd pregnancy, and can't even exercise anymore, it's the pits!

    1. I feel your pain!!! The good news is that it immediately goes away after you have your little one. Just be cautious post partum with your workouts. I found I still couldn't do anything that required balancing on one leg. I'm 5 months post partum now and just about everything is back to normal! Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy and congratulations!
