Thursday, 27 March 2014

Week 35: NO! Not another Sneeze!!!

Quick Recap: Weight still steady at 160lbs. More fatigued. Back to the sour key craving. Now on meds for my barf burps

Peanut's Progression: All major organs nearly complete. Light hair called lanugo is all gone. Still fattening up.18 inches long. 5.25lbs

Beware The Sneeze!

Seriously! I never thought sneezing could be so terrifying! For my whole life I've been a 3 sneezer. It is super unusual for me to sneeze only once. That little fact makes sneezing that much scarier for me. Why? Bladder Leakage! That's why! At 28 years old, pregnancy has made me a senior citizen. Not only do I roll out of bed like I'm 80, walk slower than people 3 times my age and have to sit with lumbar support but now I also can't seem to clench hard enough to keep things contained while sneezing.

I suppose when I bought my massive pads for post pregnancy I also should have picked up some adult underwear. That satisfaction you feel after a good sneeze is now replaced with the thought of "ah shit, did I dribble?!". Perhaps this is my punishment for being able to still get through an entire night without having to get up to pee. You can't have it all ladies!

Hey Hey! Look at me!! Notice ME!!!

Did someone install a neon sign over my head when I wasn't looking?? Does it happen to say "HEY! Talk to me! Mention my belly! NOTICE ME!"?? Sure feels like it. I literally cannot go anywhere in public without questions now. That being said, everyone has been very kind and non invasive but sometimes I just want to go pick up groceries and not talk about pregnancy. I've been talking about it for 8 1/2 months!

I ran some errands the other day and out of the 3 stores I was in, I received at least 1 comment in each.

Canadian Tire - Sales lady was walking me to find burlap and passed a guy, asked if we were together (super random) he says "no, but I sure hope she has someone". Could you imagine if I didn't have a lovely man to come home to?! I probably would have burst into overly emotional irrational tears!

Walmart - Cashier asks how long I have left. I answer just about a month. Granny behind me says "Oh wow! That much still!?" this makes me chuckle... Especially because I've been about the same size for a solid month now. (ps - she thinks its a girl, and according to her Grandmas are always right)

Fabricland - Some random dude in front of me in line says, "6 months pregnant?" HAHAHAHAHAHA oh god! Yes, because men have even the slightest idea of what a 3 month/6 month/9 month belly looks like. I actually laughed out loud after he said it and replied "oh gosh no, much farther than that thank god!" His wifey, clearly the more intelligent one, laughs and says "that means, get this thing out". The best part about this one was that his comment essentially told me I looked small which is a welcome compliment for me!

Barf Burps Be Gone!

After visiting my doc last week and asking about exactly how many tums I could take in a day he ended up prescribing me something for my raging silent reflux. It's basically Zantac but in prescription form, called Ranitidine. Quite safe for pregnancy and has certainly helped tremendously. I just take 1 in the am and 1 at night. I still very occasionally feel some discomfort but 90% of the time I have no pain at all. And that need to burp all the time!? GONE! Something tells me Steve is happy about that.

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

The Age of Over Protection

If we don't stop this madness the next generation will be one that won't take risks, make decisions on their own and will lack any sort of social finesse. Do I have your attention yet?

I saw a Facebook status that caught my attention this week, more than they usually do. It was a status regarding the book "Perks of Being a Wallflower". I have NOT read this book although it's definitely on my must read list now. The status was from someone who is outraged that this book is assigned reading because it contains "offensive content". Again, I haven't read it but it apparently contains content about rape and other sexual topics.

This book has been approved by the school district and is assigned to grade 10 students (age 15). Sure, reading this kind of content may not be comfortable and certainly not for parents when your teen asks you questions about it. BUT isn't it much more valuable to take that opportunity to educate them about rape and sex and the nitty gritty of it. One way or the other kids/teens are going to find this information and I would much rather them read about it in school where they can have a good discussion about it and come home to also talk about it with their parents. Ignoring those topics will not make them go away. My guy and I have discussed sheltering our children many times and share the same opinion that in today's world kids are held back in too many ways.

Our children are no less capable of assessing dangerous situations than we were. I was walking to and from school around age 8, by myself (although my Mom did follow me the first day to make sure I was ok) and staying at home alone by age 10. I was taught exactly what to do if I ran into a scary situation. I survived and so will our kids. I'm not actually convinced that there are more predators lurking in out streets now than there were 10, 20 or 30 years ago. I simply think that we are exposed to more stories of it because we have so many more news sources at our finger tips.

For a second think back the last time you learned something new, as an adult. While you were training someone was likely there beside you to help guide you through the process. If that person is always beside you you will never make the decision entirely on your own. You will always seek out their "ok". When they did leave you alone to do your new task, you remembered what they taught you and applied it correctly. Kids are the exact same. They will always look to you for direction if you are always there, sometimes you just have to let them do it on their own, even if it is the scariest thing ever for you.

I'm sure someone, somewhere is thinking right now, "you don't have your child yet, you don't understand" and you're right. My baby isn't here and I don't truly understand what it is to let your child go at it on their own. But what I do know is that in my opinion that is what's best for them. I want my child to be independent and self-sufficient and to grow into a successful and confident adult.

My other gripe/concern about today's society is our disdain for discipline and our inability to let our children fight their own battles. When it comes to discipline I'm not saying beat your children every time they disobey but I am saying that a gentle conversation about it doesn't cut it. Actions have consequence, end of story. If kids never learn that how do you think they will react when they screw up at work as an adult and are fired. The words "it's not fair" comes to mind. Life isn't fair. And how do you expect for them to learn to deal with conflict on their own in a healthy way if you never let them sort it out themselves. Yes, they do need a certain amount of guidance for how to properly deal with certain conflicts but when it comes right down to it they should be resolving it on their own rather than having adults do it for them.

I intend on working my butt off to teach my kids as many lessons as possible and to give them all the trust they deserve. I am a total control freak so it's going to be a huge uphill battle for me to let go and let them do it themselves. It will be hard, I will cry, they will make mistakes and it will be worth it.

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Week 34: Massive Pads and Granny Panties!

Quick Recap: Still hovering at 160lbs. Very achy pelvis. Swollen hands. Baby feeders leaking slightly.

Peanut's Progression: Hearing is fully developed. About 5 lbs. 18 inches. Gaining more fat to regulate body temperature. Central nervous system still developing but lungs are almost completely mature.

Packing the Hospital Bag

6 weeks out and we figured it was a good time to starting packing our hospital bag. The one issue I've come across is that many of the things I want to bring I will also use or wear in the next 6 weeks. So maybe the best idea is to make a list of the items not yet in the bag but that I want to take (and where they are so it's easier on everyone)

So far we have packed:

-change of clothes for Steve
-pillow for each of us
-nursing pj's
-couple onesies
-camera with charger
-toiletries (chapstick, lotion, shampoo/conditioner, facecloth, pads, toothbrush/paste, brush)
-big black granny panties (soooo sexy!)

Still to add:

-slippers and robe
-change of clothes for me
-phone chargers/phone
-water bottle
-hot water bottle
-sweat pants and hoodie

Buying Big Ol Pads

It has been YEARS since I've even looked at buying pads but I know I'll need them post pregnancy so I may as well buy them now. It's been so long since I've bought them I actually googled what kind were best for post pregnancy. Found an interesting tidbit. While Always makes the nicest ones, thin and super absorbent they also have that mesh like covering which could potentially grab on to any stitches you have. Something I never would have thought of. I opted for the generic brand from Walmart, they were cheap at less than $5 for 32 pads. I also made sure to get pads with wings, for me it gives me more peace of mind that this massive stack of cotton on my crotch will stay in place.

While We're At It, Let's Get Granny Panties!!!

This advice comes straight from my friend who recently had her beautiful son and ended up with an emergency c-section.

DO NOT buy low cut briefs in an attempt to have cuter undies. If you do end up with a cesarean the top of the underwear could be too close to your incision for comfort. Do your post pregnant self a favour and buy full bottom hi waisted BLACK underwear. I'll never understand why they even make white underwear. I mean they never stay white for long and they certainly won't after pregnancy. At least with black ones even if you have a leak overnight or have excess bleeding it wont be so obvious. And besides its not like you'll be keeping these sexy undies around for use later on. Opt for comfort now and treat yourself to some sexy new ones later on.

One final note: Doctor finally referenced, for the first time, that my weight has been "just fine" HA! 34 weeks in, about time!

Friday, 14 March 2014

Week 33: Is It Over Yet?!

Quick Recap: Ultrasound. Weight steady. Grumpy. Tired. Emotional. Uncomfortable. Really sore pelvis. Burning throat and lump all the time.

Peanut's Progression: Per ultrasound estimate 4 lbs 13oz. 17 inches long. Skeleton is hardening. Rapid weight gain will start to slow next month.

7 More Weeks of THIS!? UGGGGH

I was really hoping I wouldn't get annoyed with pregnancy until closer to the end. I've had several days this week where I wished it was all over and done with. Walking is now really more of a waddle, especially when I first get up from sitting. I may as well be 50 years older the way my joints stiffen up. My pelvis has decided to start acting up again and in a whole new level of discomfort. I rarely sleep without 5 or more interruptions. My acid reflux is super duper lame and means my throat hurts all day every day and even wakes me up at night.

To sum it up, I'm grumpy as all hell. Really though, I have nothing to bitch about, my pregnancy has been quite easy but I am so done already. When I think that I have to do this for another 7 weeks I am utterly exhausted at the thought.

The bright side? I still have 7 weeks to go and good thing because lord knows I DO NOT have everything I need, nor is anything organized enough.

Last Ultrasound

We had our last ultrasound with our specialist this week. Honestly it was kind of disappointing. For some reason we had a different doctor this time and although he was quite nice he wasn't nearly as charismatic as the last one. At the last appointment she made sure to mention that I shouldn't do a 3D ultrasound (and pay for it) because she would give me pictures next time. Well I didn't really think that through. If I had given it any thought I would have realized we are probably too far along to get good images. Baby is just too crowded. The doctor did try to get a face shot for us after I asked but baby is head down face down so it wasn't possible.

Even though we didn't really get to see much of the baby this time it was nice to find out that the placental lake that was once measured at 8cm wide is now much much smaller, so much smaller in fact that the doctor said it wouldn't even be something he included in a report. Yay! And to top it off our lil wiggles is growing right on schedule. Everything looks good and is within a normal growth range. Go wiggles go!  

Silent Reflux aka Barf Burps 

I have finally found some relief from the dreaded barf burps! This past week has been a rough one in terms of throat pain. After many Google searches I decided to try taking Tums daily as a preventative measure. Small meals and staying upright weren't helping so it was worth a try. Almost immediately I felt better! I purchased the Ultra strength Tums and can take up to 3 a day. I take one in the morning, then afternoon and then before bed.

It has made a huge difference. I no longer NEED to burp after eating and the lump in my throat is gone! I'm only 1 day in and feel so much better! One last note, if you have heartburn choose an antacid made from calcium bicarbonate not sodium bicarbonate, the sodium will increase water retention and our feet are fat enough already!

Also, after speaking with my doctor I was cleared to take up to 5 tums a day, after that you risk an excess of calcium in your system and that can cause kidney stones.

Thursday, 6 March 2014

Week 32: What's sleep?

This isn't me but it definitely show my eating issues
Quick Recap: Dropped 3lbs from last week (water retention?), Fundus height spot on. Baby settled into head down position. Sleep deteriorating. Baby's room progress.

Peanut's Progression: About 16.5 inches long. 3lbs 9oz. Doc says he/she is long and skinny. Brain creating more and more neural connections.

Cranky Calves! 

Several weeks ago I had my first and only calf cramp of my pregnancy and then this week happened. Every night (despite drinking lots of water) I have at least 5 calf cramps. The interesting part is that I can feel them starting in my sleep and I automatically flex my foot to stretch out the muscle. I've managed to avoid a full on cramp so far. I talked to my doctor about it in this weeks appointment and he warned Steve that I may suddenly sit up in the middle of the night and scream bloody murder if a big cramp hits. Considering some of the strange things I do in my sleep, that wouldn't be overly unusual.

Doc's tip for relieving the cramps were to:
1 - stay hydrated
2 - wear compression socks (remember those sexy things from my travel adventure)
3 - elevate my feet before bed

Barf Burps (only the nastiest part yet)

As my coworker put it, I've had an entirely unremarkable pregnancy and for that I am very thankful. Not too many gross things have happened to me but these barf burps are the worst ever!

At the end of December our household came down with Norwalk, which meant a lot of praying to the porcelain gods. All the acid ended up burning my esophagus and causing a sensation of a permanent lump in my throat. Some women will also get this in the 1st trimester if you have really bad morning sickness.

It has gone away for the most part until one of the dreaded barf burps sneaks up on me. At 32 weeks pregnant my stomach has basically experienced its very own lap band surgery. Baby has taken up most of the real estate in my abdomen pushing up all the other great organs that used to reside there. Which means my food container has now been squished beyond belief, which really is a cruel trick when you consider how hungry you get and how little your stomach will hold. WTF mother nature!? You could have designed this better!

So here's the deal... I cram as much food as humanly possible into my stomach and then immediately regret it. There is a desperate need to burp to relieve some of the pressure but then instead of air its gnarly tasting partially digested food. UGH worst thing ever! Not only does it taste vile! But it burns my throat and brings that pain back all over again.

The absolute worst of it happened one night this week. I succumb to my sour patch kid craving and lay in bed reading and shoveling handfuls of the sweet/sour treats into my face, all while mostly reclined in the flat position. Yes, because that is a perfect spot to be in when your trying to keep food down. The scary part happened a few hours later when in the middle of a peaceful sleep I "burp" and instead I almost vomit in my sleep. Obviously I wake up and realize what just happened, and terrified that it will happen again I prop myself up on pillows and attempt to fall back to sleep. Ya right. Sleep. Instead of resting I battle the rest of the night, waking up with either a calf cramp or with the painful sensation of barf burps in my throat.

Still think pregnant women are sexy??

Stained Shirts, Can I get a Bib please?

This is serious business, do not attempt a meal without a belly bib. You heard me! Immediately after sitting at a table to eat, proceed to place your napkin under your boobs and over your belly. You'll thank me later when every single one of your shirts DOESN'T have a food stain on it like mine. I never thought I was a sloppy eater, at least I wasn't until I was prego. Apparently I can no longer properly judge how to hold a fork full of food, how wide to open my mouth and how to chew. Just a hot mess.

Monday, 3 March 2014

How to Survive Traveling While Pregnant

A lot of people told me I was crazy for traveling to Mexico in my 3rd trimester. Sure, a lot could potentially go wrong but a lot can also go right! Certainly traveling while pregnant poses its own set of challenges so if you plan on embarking on a baby moon here are some tips to get you through!

Cut off Dates

Most airlines will let you travel up until you are 36 weeks pregnant, the catch here is that the majority of Canadian travel medical insurers and cancellation insurance will not cover pregnancy related health problems after 32 weeks.

On the Plane

I'm a die hard window seat girl. I like to look outside and watch the landscape or rest my head against the side to sleep. Do yourself a favour, get an aisle seat. And get it close to the bathroom. There is nothing easy about trying to walk down the plane aisle to get to the bathroom. Inevitably someone is trying to get back to their seat and it is basically impossible not to molest them with your belly as you try to sneak by. I can't tell you how many people I belly bumped on the plane. Not cute. 

Even though its a total pain in the ass to walk the aisles it is also a really good idea since you WILL get stiff just sitting in your tiny seat for several hours.

Embrace the layover. I was actually really glad we had a layover on both our flights. It gave me a chance to walk a good amount (without having to avoid bumping people) and allowed me to get the blood flowing and release some tension.

Swelling isn't so swell

While the 3rd trimester means you are that much closer to meeting your lil bundle of joy it also means saying goodbye to your ankles. That has certainly been the case for me. Thankfully I am in the last stage at the end of winter and into spring so hot weather hasn't been an issue. Until I went to Mexico of course.

Flying, regardless of your destination, will cause your feet to swell, and I meant A LOT! I armed myself with compression nylons designed for travel, a pair of knee high socks (because my feet are always cold on planes, comfy flat shoes and a maxi skirt (because NO ONE wants to see your puffy feet!

Compression socks will run you about $30, OR you can go to Walmart and buy the nylons for $5. They work just as good! There is nothing sexy about compression stockings but they are way better than having to walk around with Shrek feet.

If you head to a hot destination be prepared to allow time to kick your feet up and relax. I made a habit of propping my feet up on several pillows before bed for at least 30 minutes. Most of the swelling stayed in the tops of my feet and ankles until I spent a whole day on my feet. I'm sitting at dinner and trying to wiggle my toes, its exceptionally hard to do. I lift my dress to expose my feet and I see that my feet are basically webbed! My toes are so fat they can hardly move independently. Pillows weren't going to help me now.

Up to my room I went and filled a bucket of ice. Grabbing the garbage can (clean obviously) I fill it with water and add some ice. I plunge my feet into the icy cold water. Oh MY GAWD! The pain! It's for the good of my feet, I'll feel better, just a bit longer. Holy wow that water was so cold but boy did it do the trick! I soaked them as long as I could bear and then propped them up for a bit. The swelling began to come down and by the next day they were much better.

Foods with high water contents will help you battle swelling also. Think cucumber and watermelon. Mint also helps so sip away on those virgin mojitos.

Eating and Drinking

I was really concerned about what I would be able to eat and drink while I was in Mexico. I certainly didn't want to be stuck with pasta and bread all week. We were at a 5 star resort and typically they have better filtration systems throughout the resort which means you can worry less about things like brushing your teeth with tap water and drinking bevvies with ice.

Initially I was worried about fruit but then I figured if I chose the fruits that were peeled and not washed they should be the safest bet. I loaded up on pineapple, watermelon, cantaloupe and honey dew. Protein was more difficult for me. A lot of the meats available are processed and I have a bit of an aversion to eggs. I love seafood and fish but I was concerned about how well they were cooked after seeing a few items a bit too rare/raw.

When it comes to drinking it can feel like your missing out on all those delicious bevvies but let me tell you, the virgin versions are DEEEEELISH! My 2 favs ended up being the blended mojito (so much better than on the rocks) and the virgin mudslide, which is essentially just milk and chocolate syrup blended with ice. Other great options are your fav fruit juice bended with ice. Pineapple with a bit of mint was really yummy too!

My biggest tip is to bring a double walled tumbler cup! You can buy them just about anywhere. Starbucks sells them but they are much more affordable at big box stores. Just be sure it is double walled, it keeps your drink super cold and the ice does not melt, even after an hour in the sun. HONESTLY! Best ever!!!

Montezuma's Revenge

This is the one thing that can really reek havoc on your vacation. The only thing my doctor cleared me to take during my trip was Pepto Bismal. Well if you've ever had a bout of tummy troubles in Mexico you already know the pink stuff isn't going to help much. My best advice is to stay hydrated (sealed bottled water of course) and keep your electrolytes up.

My, What a Nice Shade of Red You Are

I very rarely burn and if I do it is a tan by the next day. And then I got pregnant. I was prepared from the start. I slathered on 15SPF before I even hit the beach. Normally 15 was more than enough for my skin, not the case anymore. Even after several applications of sunscreen I finished the day with some very pink legs, only on one side though since I couldn't lay on my stomach.

If you are going to tan and lay around in the sun, do not underestimate how sensitive your skin is now that you are pregnant. Load up on sunscreen and use a higher SPF than you think you need.

As for tanning your back. It's a bit of feat. One of the other girls in our group packed along a floaty and it was only the greatest idea ever! It was the kind with mesh in the middle and the inflated bit around the edges. I was able to lay on my stomach in the pool VERY comfortably. My belly was weightless in the water but also supported by the mesh and my back got all the colour I could have asked for!

The other contraption I made was good for out of the pool. If they are available at your resort, rent a cabana at least one day. Well worth a couple of bucks for the comfort you get. Ours had a large mattress with big body pillows. I desperately wanted to lay on my stomach to read and tan so I placed 2 body pillows beside each other with a gap between. When I kneeled on the bed the first pillow was in front of my knees. I gently lowered down so the first pillow supported my legs and the second was supporting my chest. I belly sunk into the space between. Again whats important here is that you belly does not hang freely with no support underneath but also that your weight is not supported my your belly. Mine touched the mattress but did not support my body weight. Letting your belly hang with no support can damage the ligaments in your stomach as they over stretch trying to hold the weight.