Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Insanity Workout DVD's AKA Certain Death Disguised as Fitness

I've officially lost my mind... 

My wedding photographer mentioned to me that she had the Insanity DVD's and I for some unknown reason took her up on her offer to borrow them. What. Have. I. Done. 

The whole process starts with a fit test. Also known as "let me show you how unfit you actually are".
It consists of 8 exercises. You do each for 1 minute and record how many you can do. Every 2 weeks you do it again and your supposed to see improvement. 

The exercises (and my results) are:
Switch kicks 68
Power Jacks 34
Power Knees 80
Power jumps 0 (way too loud for an apartment exercise)
Globe Jumps 10
Suicide jumps aka burpees aka worst exercise ever in the history of the world 5
Push up jacks 12
Low Plank Obliques 34

I'll be honest... the fit test is hard. Makes me scared to do the actual workouts. The bright side is that the workouts are "short" around 35 minutes. Do able. Kinda. Maybe. I hope. 

Physically my starting point is this... 
129.4 lbs. 
Bust: 32 
Waist (at belly button): 31 
Hips/Butt: 36 
Thigh: 21

Fit tests are to be done every 2 weeks until the end of the program (2 months). I'll do an entry after every fit test with new measurements and general thoughts. 

Wish me luck...

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