Monday, 27 November 2017

Baby Round 2 - First Trimester

Well here we are again. 3.5 years after Ella's birth and we are on the journey all over again. 3 years of me vehemently saying HELL NO to a second baby and then randomly one day I became obsessed with having another. After a week of it not going away I told hubby "so, you'll think I'm crazy but I want to have another baby". He's been hoping this would happen for a good long while so he was on board straight away.

It took us 4 months of trying before we successfully conceived. At the time, for a couple who accidentally got pregnant the first time, this seemed like forever and was getting frustrating but of course looking back now we are very blessed that it was so quick.

It's kind of amazing to me how each pregnancy can be so different but at the same time have a lot of similarities. Blogging was a great outlet for me when I was pregnant with Ella so I plan to do it again but clearly I'm a bit busier this time around. Working 5 days a week, carting Ella to and from pre-school and ballet, trying to fit in time with Hubby and time at the gym, the days just seem to disappear. My plan is to do trimester updates instead. So that brings us to the first trimester!

Our family found out MUCH sooner this time. We were about to leave for a weekend away visiting my father in law and family when I decided maybe I should take a test BEFORE we go on a weekend full of beers and ciders and wine. I was testing pretty early, I think 6 or 7 days before my expected period and couldn't believe that I got such a clear positive result. We hadn't been at they're house more than 10 minutes when I was offered wine and had to decline and me being a terrible liar I shared our exciting news, prefacing it that it was SUPER early.

We slowly told more family and friends as we saw them but held back on doing anything on social media until I figured out work.

My birth experience with Ella wasn't ideal or very positive so this time we have decided to use a midwife and have also hired a doula. If it's going to be my last baby I'm going to do everything I can to have fonder memories of our birth and early days. 

At 5 weeks, I started bleeding. I never experienced any spotting or bleeding with Ella so it freaked me right out. Because it only lasted a few days and wasn't a large amount or coupled with any pain or cramping it was decided it was in the normal range and not to worry.

Around 9 weeks we had our dating ultrasound and our due date was pushed up by 2 days (as I had expected, knowing that I had ovulated sooner than what would have been expected). The results from my dating ultrasound brought yet another new "complication". It was discovered that I had a cyst on my ovary as well as a subchorionic hemorrhage. Don't those just sound like awesome things to have!?!? Thankfully both are considered normal. 

My understanding is that the cyst on my ovary developed from where the egg was released and should have been reabsorbed by my body by my details ultrasound at 20 weeks. The subchorionic hemorrhage is basically a blood blister where the baby implanted. They vary in size and most often cause bleeding.

At 12 weeks our midwife was unable to find the heart rate for the baby. Stressful much?! She seemed very calm about it and said the baby was quite low and probably just tucked in nice and snug and moving too much to get a solid reading. We went in the next week and they got it within seconds.

Overall my first trimester was easier than with Ella but full of more worrisome moments. I wasn't as nauseous and my skin has been much better. I was the napping queen though. If Steve was home I always had an afternoon nap of at least an hour. I also experienced a lot of dizziness and light-headedness. I have naturally low blood pressure and in pregnancy it dips even more. I also had a ton of bloating but thankfully I found that a cup of peppermint tea made a HUGE difference. I'm talking I could have a cup at night, looking like I was 6 months preggo and wake up with no belly. It was amazing and talk about relief, the pressure was so uncomfortable so it was such a welcome surprise.

Onto the honeymoon stage!

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