Thursday, 3 April 2014

Week 36: You're Putting That Q-Tip Where!?

Quick Recap: Weight 162lbs. Now weekly Dr. appointments. First stretch mark. Insatiable hunger. Friggen pelvis pain.

Peanut's Progression: Almost 19inches. 5.75 lbs. Head down still. Getting fatter every day.

Give Me More FOOOOOD!!!!

OMG I didn't know it was possible to feel so hungry! Thankfully I'm not like this everyday but my god there isn't enough food in the house to possibly satisfy my hunger.

According to the books, around this time I should experience "lightening" which basically just means the baby drops a bit and my stomach and lungs get more space again. I haven't really noticed any change in the shape of my belly but then again I've haven't carried high so I'm not sure I would notice anyways. If I really think about it, breathing isn't as challenging and I certainly can stuff WAY more food in my face now.

Stretch Marks

Don't worry Christina I'm not going to tear you to shreds here for pointing out my first stretch mark :). Despite my constant belly inspection I never noticed the new addition on my skin, perhaps I was too busy counting all the silly little bumps I have. I consider myself quite lucky that it took until 35 weeks for any stretch marks to show up but it doesn't mean I wasn't annoyed about it.

In fact the whole thing went down like this... "Ok thanks for coming over Stina! Have a great night." I close the door and immediately go to my bathroom and begin the inspections. "Stretch mark!? Where!? How could I have missed it!!! THERE IT IS! Mother fucker. Stupid friggen stretch mark" Cue the pouty face. I have a moment of distress over this stupid mark but then immediately let it go. Wow! I've made some serious progress. Weeks ago that pout would have turned into a full fledged ugly cry meltdown, probably resulting in spending the rest of the night lotioning up my stomach.

I blame my 16 year old self for getting a belly button ring. I took the piercing out several years ago but that ended up being exactly where the stretch mark showed up. Makes sense I suppose since there is scar tissue there not to mention the fact that my belly button couldn't possibly push out any farther from my stomach.

The good news is there are only 2 and they are less than an inch each and pretty hard to notice. 

Group B Strep Test

Short and sweet. WHY didn't any of the books mention this!? 36 weeks and you get a q-tip swabbed into places you would rather it not. I suppose at this point I really shouldn't be surprised by anything anymore.

Baby is full term next week!

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