Quick Recap: Weight has plateaued. Been sitting at 165 for a few weeks now. Belly is about 42 inches around. ALERT ALERT! Too much information coming at you in 3...2...1... Cervix is soft and dilated about 1cm. Lots of braxton hicks. Sleeping kinda sucks. Peeing way more than last week. Found more stretch marks.
Peanut's Progression: At this point Wiggles is just hanging out and enjoying the ride. More neural connections are made everyday but let's be real, he/she is just fuckin around in there, punching my cervix and kicking my ribs. Happy as a clam. And the lil bugger hasn't really dropped deep enough into my pelvis to start labour. Maybe tomorrow?
Maternity Leave = Bored as Hell = Nesting (or so I'm told)
Saturday marked my first day of maternity leave and naturally I found a million things to do! While I was still working I cherished my couple days off and chose to do little to nothing, now that I have literally nothing to do except relax I clearly have to do anything else BUT relax!
I managed to clean the whole kitchen, which doesn't mean put away dishes and wipe the counters. It means wipe all the cabinets and handles, wash and bleach the garbage bin, reorganize some cabinets, wipe down every appliance etc etc etc. Then of course there was laundry to do. And while I was at it I made sure to vacuum and then obviously noticed that the hall closet was in disrepair and would not function with our winter coats front and center. I refolded every towel and sheet, and reordered our coats for spring.
So tell me again what this nesting business is? Ok ok I know I'm nesting but part of this really is because I'm so bored. People keep telling me to rest but c'mon do you really expect me to park my ass on the couch for 12 hours a day watching tv or reading? That is NOT going to happen. Besides, I'm pregnant not sick. I may be slower and walk more like a penguin than I did before but I'm feeling great and may as well take advantage!
Cook, Cook, Cookin up a Storm!
What else do you do when you're bored and cleaning doesn't sound appealing, COOK! Make a crap load of freezer meals for those days when you aren't functioning well enough to even boil water.
For about $100, I made approximately 15 servings of meat lasagna, 6 servings of chicken cacciatore and 8 servings of beef chili. So that averages about $3.50 a serving. I'm sure if we added coupons to the mix we could have made it cheaper but I'm just happy to have a stock of food that just need to be defrosted and put in the oven (not the chili though).
Just today I made some healthy muffins too. Loaded up with zucchini and carrot! We'll pop those in the freezer too and will be great for a quick snack.
Mirrors Are NOT Your Friend
I haven't seen my lady bits in months nor can I see my belly below what used to be my cute innie of a belly button. Which by the way, is SO popped that its actually flat now!
So before you get this visual of me trying to see my lady bits, that isn't where I'm going with this! I decided I needed to know for sure if I also had stretch marks (as I suspected I did) below my belly button. Since my skin is so stretched right now it's tough to tell but the stretch marks are shiny so if you get the light right you can see whats going on. I never should have grabbed that mirror. Of course I was right and I have a whole bunch of shiny squiggly lines below my belly button. I'm only left wondering what they will look like once my skin isn't a taute as a face lift gone wrong.
Breastfeeding Class
Fraser Health offers a 2 hour FREE breastfeeding class. It fills up quickly so I would recommend booking yourself in a about 3 months ahead of time.
It is super informative and full of great tips and tricks and really explains all the benefits of breastfeeding. My one criticism is that it really pushes only breastfeeding and discourages any kind of supplementation including breast milk in a bottle.
Obviously a breast feeding class is going to push "breast is best" and push it hard however I do think it can put some unnecessary pressure on Mom to feel like she has to be exclusively breast feeding for at bare minimum 6 months and if she doesn't then she is failing her baby. I hope to avoid formula at all costs because I would rather feed my baby what she/he is meant to have from nature. That being said, I also want the freedom to have a break and for Steve to enjoy feedings as well. I fully intend to pump so that we can share the responsibility of feeding and so that if I want to do back to back yoga classes I can do that because there will be a bottle of breast milk for the babe at home with Daddy.
I suppose I would leave you with one thought, sign up for informational purposes but in the end take it all with a grain of salt and remember, you need to do what is best for you and your baby and your family as a whole. And if that isn't what 1 person preaches, that is ok!
8 days left, but who's counting?!
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