Friday, 14 February 2014

Week 29: Hot Sweaty Mess

Quick Recap: So sweaty! Cankles keep growing. Pelvis pain is manageable. DIY Diva.

Peanut's Progression: Weighs 2 lbs 10 oz (close to a butternut squash). 15 inches long. Bones are hardening. Lungs and muscles getting stronger.

Project Supermom

In my never ending attempt to save money I've been searching out DIY's for baby. Anything from sewing my own cloth diaper covers to homemade baby wipes. This week I searched out baby safe laundry detergent. I tested it out on a load of our clothes and they seem to come out clean. I made a batch large enough for about 120 loads for a cost of approximately $8. I purchased all the ingredients from Walmart in Bellingham. Used the whole box of washing soda, 75% of the Borax and half of the bar soap. Check out the recipe below.

Baby Safe Laundry Detergent:

1 Part Zote Soap (castille soap) finely grated ($0.97/bar)
2 Parts Washing Soda ($4/box)
2 Parts Borax ($4/box)

Use a fine cheese grater to grate the Zote soap. In a airtight container mix all ingredients together. That's it. That's all. SUPER easy! 

1/8 cup to 1/4 cup per load depending on size and dirtiness.

Next up is the DIY baby wipes which I probably won't post until after baby because I'll want to test them prior to telling you they are awesome.

Oh Hai There Anxiety!

With 10 weeks to go, it's crunch time and with that has come a boat load of anxiety. A wide range of concerns including my ability to mother a child, building a connection with our baby, how our cat will react to the little one, whether or not Steve is actually happy to be having an unplanned baby etc etc etc. The list goes on and on and logically I know I don't need to worry about any of this but my mind sure does like to run through a million scenarios and freak me the hell out.

Holy Hot Flashes!

Oh. My. GAWD! Why is it SOOOO hot while I sleep!? The past 2 nights I've started waking up in the middle of the night drenched in sweat. Why the hell can't my body wake me up when I start to get too warm rather than after I've already sweat through the sheets and am a sweaty hot mess. Our heat has been off completely and February isn't exactly known for being too hot to sleep.

The other night, I partially woke up and realized I was uncomfortably hot, so instead of kicking off the covers I began vigorously lifting and lowering the covers to essentially fan myself, moments later Steve wakes up and asks if I'm ok. Shit! How did I manage to forget I share the bed with someone else and that my cover shaking could possibly wake them. Total middle of the night baby brain blonde moment.

FUN FACT: your blood clots faster during pregnancy and for about 6 months after birth.

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