Peanut's Progression: Weighs 1 whole pound! 11 inches long. Can sense touch now.
Writer's Block and Too Much Attention
I don't know if it was the craziness of the holidays this week or perhaps a self induced sugar coma from all the cookies and chocolate but I'm having a hard time writing an entry for this week.
Nothing really major happened this week. No weight gain like last week. No bad news from doctors. The only thing even worth mentioning is my coping with the added attention from family dinners.
For the majority of my family (and Steve's) this was the first time they have seen me since I announced we were expecting. Of course, they are incredibly excited and made a lot of comments about my shape. I am so grateful that we have a supportive family and group of friends but it can become a bit overwhelming at times when people are consumed by your belly, especially when you are still a bit self conscious of it.
It's a very odd sensation for me to feel awkward with all the attention. As an only child, and a major extrovert, I've always craved attention and now I tend to shy away from it. Just another hormonal shift I'm sure.
Post Pregnancy Project:
OK, this scares me but I also think its a great thing to share to help all women post pregnancy. As of this moment I am committed to sharing my physical transformation from pre baby, pregnant and post baby.
My plan is to show photo progression of my stomach. I will take a photo daily after I give birth for the first week and then every couple of days to show how the body really recovers post birth. I think its an important thing for women to be able to see how REAL Mom's and NOT celebs recover and gain their body back. I will also include all my exercise and diet habits.
Likely I will continue to post on a weekly basis because let's be real, I will not have the time or energy to post daily and you don't need a daily update on my stomach!
Hmmm that didn't turn out so bad for having a mental block :)